Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty of France Pays Visit

Ulaanbaatar, April 11, 2023 /MONTSAME/. By invitation of the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry Kh. Bolorchuluun a delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty of the French Republic headed by Minister Marc Fesneau paid an official visit to Mongolia on April 7-9, 2023.

The two Ministers worked towards boosting the cooperation in the following three directions: Bilateral cooperation between the Ministries…Business-to-business collaboration… and Bilateral cooperation in the field of Veterinary Services – livestock and animal health, vaccination, exchange of experts, expertise, participation in international events and training courses.

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Cross-experiments of veterinarians France-Japon

Léa Cordebar and Barbara Ramos are both veterinary students at the end of their studies.

Originally from Brazil, Barbara studied veterinary medicine in Japan thanks to a scholarship, while Léa is in her final year at VetAgro Sup. While Léa is going to Japan for a 4 weeks internship at the Equine Medical Center of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Kagoshima University, Barbara is coming to France to do a 4 weeks internship at the veterinary hospital of VetAgro Sup, especially at the Clinéquine.

They tell us about their experience !

Read more on the school websiteVetagroSup

“One Health” Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance

Proposing concrete solutions at a European level to fight against a threat to global public health.

The “One Health” (human, animal and ecosystem health) ministerial conference on antimicrobial resistance aims to assess the European Union’s progress on this major public health issue.

Credit : French National Veterinary School / Photo crédit MASA-Xavier Remongin

Paris, March 7, 2022

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