International content

This part of PORTAILCOOP will provide you with some material in English or other languages presenting various actions or documents of interest for the actors of the European and international cooperation of the French Ministry of Agriculture and their partners.

Discover the different training, research, innovation actions and projects that the Ministry, its schools and the actors of agricultural education carry out with almost a hundred countries around common topics concerning agriculture, food, environment, citizenship and ways to respond to global challenges.

  • Young Europeans, get ready for SIA 2025

    Young Europeans, get ready for SIA 2025

    Wine judging and animal scoring competitions for young Europeans: 2 judging competitions of the Concours Général Agricole open to young Europeans. 91 participants from 28 participating countries in 2024. How many will take part in 2025? During SIA 2024, 91…

  • From Pantnagar to ENIL Aurillac

    From Pantnagar to ENIL Aurillac

    Bonjour and Namaste to all the lovely peoples who are going to read this blog and enjoy it as much as I did during this journey. I will try to summarize skills that I personally learned during my 29 days…

  • Dos pastores Andaluces en las Ovinpiadas Internacionales 2024

    Dos pastores Andaluces en las Ovinpiadas Internacionales 2024

    Dos andaluces competirán en Francia por el título de mejor pastor del mundo. Un granadino que pastorea en Sierra Nevada y una sevillana que lo hace en la Sierra Norte participarán en esta competición a la que acuden representantes de…

  • Ovinpiadas 2024, los argentinos estarán allí

    Ovinpiadas 2024, los argentinos estarán allí

    Estudiantes santacruceños viajarán a las Olimpiadas de Ganadería 2024 Se tratan de alumnos pertenecientes a la Escuela Agropecuaria Provincial N° 1 « Heroínas de Malvinas » de la localidad de Gobernador Gregores, quienes estarán participando del evento denominado « Ovinpiades », a realizarse durante…

Dos santacruceños competirán en la “Ovimpiada” de Francia

Los alumnos Darián Pacheco y Lisandro Sanhueza de 6to año de la Escuela Agropecuaria Provincial N° 1 de Gobernador Gregores representarán a la Argentina en la Olimpiada Ovina que se realizará en Francia. Cómo fue posible esta oportunidad única y cuáles son las expectativas de la delegación santacruceña… Seguir Leyendo

La Valle d’Aosta viene premiata a SIA2024

Successo per gli studenti dell’Institut Agricole Régional al 60° Salone Internazionale dell’Agricoltura di Parigi

Domenica 3 marzo 2024 è giunta al termine l’avventura della classe V tecnico dell’Institut Agricole Régional della Valle d’Aoste (Italia) al 60° Salone Internazionale dell’Agricoltura di Parigi che ha visto oltre 600 mila visitatori nei 9 giorni di apertura al pubblico… Leggi di più


Ana Euler, da EMBRAPA, convidada para o Fórum Franco-Brasileiro 2023

No fórum franco-brasileiro realizado em Bourges de 22 a 27 de outubro de 2023, Ana Euler, Diretora de Negócios da EMBRAPA, fez uma apresentação sobre a pesquisa agronômica brasileira na conferência « Produzir e consumir de forma diferente: que transições? » em 25 de outubro de 2023. Após sua apresentação, ela nos deu suas impressões sobre o fórum e o futuro dos intercâmbios franco-brasileiros… Leia mais

French farmers and researchers’ groups talk to Australians

On September 13, the French Embassy, through its Counsellor on Agricultural Affairs, organized a hybrid event aimed at promoting to Australian counterparts the approaches of farmers’ groups in France, as drivers for achieving sustainability targets: reducing the use of inputs, improving soil health, taking better account of animal welfare, improving resilience through value adding… Read more

Donut revisited in Franco-Indian colors

The Pantnagar University of Agriculture and Technology organized a cooking competition on the theme of coarse grains, to celebrate the national millet festival.
Young French agricultural students from the DEFIAA-2023 program, on placement in India, took part in the competition, and third prize was won by a Franco-Indian pair.
« The aim was to make a dish from millet. The Indian girl who was with me came up with the idea of making doughnuts » – testifies Nicolas.
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More… Report from FrenchDEFIAA students in India

Intercambio agricola internacional

Aprendices del Liceo Agrícola Francés viajan a Colombia y aprendices del Sena viajan a Francia.

Durante su estancia de 30 días, su principal objetivo es sumergirse en la cultura colombiana y familiarizarse con los procesos agrícolas tropicales, diferentes a los que están acostumbrados en Francia, como parte de su formación como tecnólogos en gestión agroalimentaria…. Seguir leyendo

Defiaa, a wave of color over France

The India network organizes the reception of Indian students and their internships in a dozen agricultural high schools in France. After a week of integration at the Lycée Agricole Français de Théza in Perpignan, they head off to partner establishments in the DEFIAA program – Developping French Indian Exchanges in Agroffod and Agronomy – and experience the French adventure.

Some fifteen young Indian students hosted in March 2023, as part of the DEFIAA program, share their experiences on the Moveagri social network, which is specially dedicated to sharing the experiences of young people in agricultural education… Read More

Erasmus+ at the heart of the Bergerie

The Erasmus+ agency has organized a European meeting with 12 invited countries at the Bergerie nationale de Rambouillet on the theme of « Agroecology, technical and educational approach », in mid-April 2023.

The 35 participants present from April 12 to 14, 2023, from Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Turkey, Poland, Sweden, Spain, Estonia and France, took an active part in the activities proposed around agroecological issues to build their future projects with one or more of the European partners present… Read more

Cross-experiments of veterinarians France-Japon

Léa Cordebar and Barbara Ramos are both veterinary students at the end of their studies. Originally from Brazil, Barbara studied veterinary medicine in Japan thanks to a scholarship, while Léa is in her final year at VetAgro Sup. While Léa is going to Japan for a 4 weeks internship at the Equine Medical Center of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Kagoshima University, Barbara is coming to France to do a 4 weeks internship at the veterinary hospital of VetAgro Sup, especially at the Clinéquine. They tell us about their experience !

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Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty of France Pays Visit

Ulaanbaatar, April 11, 2023 /MONTSAME/. By invitation of the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry Kh. Bolorchuluun a delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty of the French Republic headed by Minister Marc Fesneau paid an official visit to Mongolia on April 7-9, 2023.

The two Ministers worked towards boosting the cooperation in the following three directions: Bilateral cooperation between the Ministries…Business-to-business collaboration… and Bilateral cooperation in the field of Veterinary Services – livestock and animal health, vaccination, exchange of experts, expertise, participation in international events and training courses. Read more…

Reunión se inscribe en el marco del proyecto “Alimentación Sostenible en el Perú”

El lunes se realizó de manera virtual el Primer Encuentro de directores de Institutos de formación agrícola de Perú y de Francia. Esta reunión se inscribe en el marco del proyecto “Alimentación Sostenible en el Perú” que financia la Embajada de Francia y que permitirá a 6 Institutos de ambos país beneficiar de un apoyo a la movilización de profesores y alumnos este 2023.

Agradecemos al Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire y AVSF – Agrónomos y Veterinarios Sin Fronteras por la organización de este evento y permitir que se desarrollen colaboraciones entre institutos franceses y peruanos que perduren en el tiempo.

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Darryl Jacobs receives a knighthood in the Order of Agricultural Merit

On Friday 21 October 2022 at the Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute in Stellenbosch, Mr Darryl Jacobs, Deputy Director of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, was bestowed with the award of Knight in the Order of Agricultural Merit by the Consul General of France in Cape Town, M. Laurent Alberti. The ceremony was attended and introduced by the Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, Mr Ivan Meyer. Read More

Global Health Challenge

From October 17 to 23, a Mozambican delegation of about ten people was received on Reunion Island (FRANCE). This trip was organized as part of the European Union funded project, H2020 ROADMAP- « Rethinking the use of antimicrobials in livestock production systems ».
This project responds to the challenge for global health posed by the proliferation of antimicrobial resistance,… Read more


French National Veterinary School / Photo crédit MASA-Xavier Remongin
“One Health” Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance – Paris, March 7, 2022

Proposing concrete solutions at a European level to fight against a threat to global public health

The “One Health” (human, animal and ecosystem health) ministerial conference on antimicrobial resistance aims to assess the European Union’s progress on this major public health issue. Read more

YEDODE for food security in Ethiopia

Have you ever wondered if the food that you buy from supermarket is safe? If yes, then you are not alone !

ENVT, the French National Veterinary School of Toulouse, is involved in a cooperation project on the « Farm to Fork » for the avian sector… Read More

Hello from Down under !

Portrait of Vincent HEBRAIL, Agricultural Affairs Advisor for Australia and New Zealand

You are the new (and first !) Agricultural Affairs Advisor based in Canberra for Australia and New Zealand, effective January 1, 2022. What is your professional background ? Read more…

NECTAR – New Education transition in agroecology and rurality

NECTAR project (New Education Transition in Agroecology and Rurality) must achieve shared pedagogical activities and compared reflective analysis on agro-ecological transition teaching between France and Austria. We want to connect high schools and work on key concepts : soil fertility, local food and autonomy, agroforestry and local seeds. We want to tackle learners urgent societal issues and develop tools for the teachers who must understand how learners are learning to be more efficient.

NECTAR Eramus+ project

Learn more about the NECTAR project, partners, news and contacts