International content

This part of PORTAILCOOP will provide you with some material in English or other languages presenting various actions or documents of interest for the actors of the European and international cooperation of the French Ministry of Agriculture and their partners.

Discover the different training, research, innovation actions and projects that the Ministry, its schools and the actors of agricultural education carry out with almost a hundred countries around common topics concerning agriculture, food, environment, citizenship and ways to respond to global challenges.

To read each article in its entirety, click on its title or on the photo. 

  • France Tour of the world’s Ovinpiades

    France Tour of the world’s Ovinpiades

    France hosted the 3rd World Cup for Young Shepherds from Saturday 25 May to Saturday 1 June 2024, and everyone discovered the emblematic Bergerie Nationale to find out who would be on the podium as the world’s top 3 young…

  • Tour de Francia de las Ovinpiadas mundiales

    Tour de Francia de las Ovinpiadas mundiales

    Francia acogió la 3ª Copa del Mundo de Jóvenes Pastores del sábado 25 de mayo al sábado 1 de junio de 2024, y todo el mundo descubrió la emblemática Bergerie Nationale para saber quién subiría al podio de los 3…

  • the « I » in TIEA

    the « I » in TIEA

    The Trophée International de l’Enseignement Agricole (TIEA) was held under the best possible auspices, with three foreign teams taking part in 2024: Canada – already present in 2023, Morocco and Italy. But how does it work, and how can we…

  • Young Europeans, get ready for SIA 2025

    Young Europeans, get ready for SIA 2025

    Wine judging and animal scoring competitions for young Europeans: 2 judging competitions of the Concours Général Agricole open to young Europeans. 91 participants from 28 participating countries in 2024. How many will take part in 2025? During SIA 2024, 91…

  • From Pantnagar to ENIL Aurillac

    From Pantnagar to ENIL Aurillac

    Bonjour and Namaste to all the lovely peoples who are going to read this blog and enjoy it as much as I did during this journey. I will try to summarize skills that I personally learned during my 29 days…

  • Dos santacruceños competirán en la “Ovimpiada” de Francia

    Dos santacruceños competirán en la “Ovimpiada” de Francia

    Los alumnos Darián Pacheco y Lisandro Sanhueza de 6to año de la Escuela Agropecuaria Provincial N° 1 de Gobernador Gregores representarán a la Argentina en la Olimpiada Ovina que se realizará en Francia. Cómo fue posible esta oportunidad única y…

  • Dos pastores Andaluces en las Ovinpiadas Internacionales 2024

    Dos pastores Andaluces en las Ovinpiadas Internacionales 2024

    Dos andaluces competirán en Francia por el título de mejor pastor del mundo. Un granadino que pastorea en Sierra Nevada y una sevillana que lo hace en la Sierra Norte participarán en esta competición a la que acuden representantes de…

  • Ovinpiadas 2024, los argentinos estarán allí

    Ovinpiadas 2024, los argentinos estarán allí

    Estudiantes santacruceños viajarán a las Olimpiadas de Ganadería 2024 Se tratan de alumnos pertenecientes a la Escuela Agropecuaria Provincial N° 1 « Heroínas de Malvinas » de la localidad de Gobernador Gregores, quienes estarán participando del evento denominado « Ovinpiades », a realizarse durante…

  • La Valle d’Aosta viene premiata a SIA2024

    La Valle d’Aosta viene premiata a SIA2024

    Successo per gli studenti dell’Institut Agricole Régional al 60° Salone Internazionale dell’Agricoltura di Parigi Domenica 3 marzo è giunta al termine l’avventura della classe V tecnico dell’Institut Agricole Régional della Valle d’Aoste (Italia) al 60° Salone Internazionale dell’Agricoltura di Parigi…

  • Ana Euler, da EMBRAPA, convidada para o Fórum Franco-Brasileiro 2023

    Ana Euler, da EMBRAPA, convidada para o Fórum Franco-Brasileiro 2023

    No fórum franco-brasileiro realizado em Bourges de 22 a 27 de outubro de 2023, Ana Euler, Diretora de Negócios da EMBRAPA1, fez uma apresentação sobre a pesquisa agronômica brasileira na conferência « Produzir e consumir de forma diferente: que transições? » em…